We are trying an alternative for our human waste disposal here on the Island this summer. It is a sawdust composting toilet. Ours is camo in color as seen below.
We use a five gallon bucket to do your duty in. Then you cover it with sawdust so you can not see or smell any thing. That keeps the flies, etc. away. When the bucket is full it is taken out to the compost heap and buried in the middle and covered with compost grass cover.
We started this last year with the compost pile that is now closed. But the heat from the composting does its thing to sanitize. We have discovered a sawmill in town that gives us all the sawdust we need and it is transported to us on the Cake and Ice Cream.
We know that the heat of the compost is working because we now have snakes living in both our old compost piles. The old compost pile will have composted for over two years before we use it.
This is the view you see when you are seated on the compost toilet. Front...
and over head.
Yesterday it was so calm that we suspended work and all but Pan kayaked around the Island. This picture was taken through the spotting scope from the parlor.
Oh, I almost forgot, Pete the parlor bat is back. He was detected behind the mirror in FeeBee's parlor because he leaves his dropping below on the floor. We had lost him for awhile as his former picture home was removed from the wall to be taken to an antique road show.
Welcome home Pete!
The keepers on St. Helena light station.
Glad to hear that Pete has returned.