Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lunch on the Island

Our second lunch on the Island date was Friday.  It was a little choppy on the water but everyone had a great day.  Captain Dick held court in the watch room with his wonderful stories that not only bring the Island alive but the incredible preservation that has happened over the last twenty plus years here at the light station.

Yes, Susie finished the front screen door and Keeper Jane and assistant got it up in time for the lunch visitors.  The second picture gives you a feeling for the detail that Terry put into these screen doors.

This boat load of keepers are returning from what is now Tern Island, we use to call it Sea Gull or Cormorant Island, but now the terns have taken over.  We had a Geocash on the island but with the terns laying their eggs and the litter it was decided we needed to remove the cash.  It was a bit of ruff day and there were several wet pant seats upon return.  Notice Keeper Jane polling the Zodiac.

For the last two night we have had the greatest "fireworks" show that I guess should be called the mirror show as it has been the moon that has preformed.  The moon came up behind the bridge and was a full harvest orange.  Last night we were waiting for the  Saturday night ground fire works but the moon stole the show, again.

The teachers left us yesterday after performing for us their projects the night before.  The boat that came to take them home brought our new guests, a group of women here for Bed and Breakfast (and lunch and dinner).  They have come to explore the Island for a few days and watch the finish of the Chicago to Mackinaw sail boat race.

The keepers at St. Helena Island Light Station.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the screen door. It's wonderful to see they are holding up, and with this type of TLC, they should last a long time. Thanks Susie!
