We must share our camp fire from last night and the s'mores. The picture below of two flat rocks on top of a stump in the fire pit is the new Hot Rocks S'more Cooker. Diane brought us this method of making the chocolate in the s'mores ooze into your golden marshmallows in between your graham crackers. The brown stuff on the rocks is chocolate. Boy, did we enjoy our s'mores last night. Now to work...

There was lots of activity at St. Helena light station under grey skies today. While it never rained it was a good day for painting and getting odds and ends done.
This is Diane painting the shelf for the Rose room. First the primer....
Tim is helping Susie take the hardware off the closet door for one of the upstairs bedrooms. Susie spent her paint time putting the first coat of cream paint on this door. I'm not sure she thinks Tim is doing this right at all.
Jamie tackled the big door to the tower. It had been primed in brown so it looks like Jamie will be at this a couple of times to cover.
After Tim helped Susie, he joined Neil and they got a good part of the base board done in the green room. This is Neil concentrating so he didn't hammer his finger. Not really, both Tim and Neal are handy builders to have around.
This is a bad picture of FeeBee the lighthouse inspector checking out the base board work. We all shake when the lighthouse inspector comes.
Really, this is one of only two pictures in today's collection not taken by our professional photographer, Neil. The picture just above that includes Neil was taken by Jamie, his wife. Obviously something runs in that family.
The afternoon was spent with more work on the new beach trail and guess what? Another try at finding the heron rookery. Tim and Diane came through and now Neil and Jamie believe. They also understand why a visit to the rookery is something you might only do once.
Here are the ladies pulling together dinner in the summer kitchen. A few hours in front of the big screen TV and maybe some reading before it will be off to bed for the tired lighthouse keepers of St. Helena.
Are you wondering what Pan did today? We all know how she loves to paint. She spent a good part of the morning getting the island back on the internet without a phone. Yes, she did walk the tower stairs putting up signs. Oh, yes, and taking the lighthouse inspector for walks.
Oh, by the way the water is at 24" tonight at the end of the dock!
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