Monday, June 27, 2011

Another great day at the lighthouse!

Another great day at the lighthouse.  Started out sunny with light overcast and winds picking up in the p.m.
The "guys", Tim, Dave and Jerry, continued work on the Southwest Ridge walking trail.  Going through the cedar and balsam tangle was slow but good progress was made.   After a hardy lunch back at the lighthouse they found a wood post, dug a hole for it and erected a sign to direct walkers to the trail in one direction, and the privy in the other.  With still some energy remaining they made a wood support for a hanging tomato plant and then cleared brush to improve the view southeast toward the bridge.   After  Diane's tasty dinner of fajitas, Dave climbed the tower and cleaned the windows.  A busy day that we thoroughly enjoyed.      

The guys found a place for our upside down tom (Tomato plant) to hang.  Now the dinner bell post is doing double duty.

The woods are full of lady slippers that are late along with the late spring but just as beautiful.

We've had two wonderful days and I guess that had to catch up with us.  It is supposed to rain tonight.  We'll keep you posted on the weather.

Had a question about how we are blogging from the Island.  Several years back solar cells were installed on top of the assistant keepers quarters to support a composting toilet system.  While the toilet system was not successful the solar cells were and they give us enough juice to charge things like batteries, cell phones and computers.  In fact I had to plug this computer in as the battery was low.

This iris is blooming in the middle of our veggie garden.  This is an action picture as the wind is blowing hard from the east.

From heaven on earth, St. Helena Light Station.

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