Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keeper Jane is back.

The guys made it back out of the fog.  Actually by the time they returned the fog had been blown down to the bride and we experienced what it was like before there was a bridge.  They brought our keeper back safe, sound and fit.
Good morning from our inspector.  This is FeeBee checking out the kitchen action to make sure we don't forget her bowl with the left overs.

It is time for a garden check.  The sun has not been plentiful out here and we have seen a direct result in our garden.  This first picture is our bush beans.
This out of focus picture is of our only tomato and we cheated because we brought this plant over with a tomato on it.

We are getting ready for the teachers workshop that will start in a week.  We offer a curriculum to support elementary teachers to put Michigan's maritime history into their Michigan history material.  More later when the teachers arrive.  But yesterday, one of the privies was moved over a new hole.  It is not a job anybody likes but I have to give it our group of Island keepers, they did it yesterday.  It was a lot of work.

Here is another teacher/keeper in our boat house setting up and organizing for the workshop.  I thought you all might like to see the boat house.

I have to go as it is my turn to make omelets for breakfast.  Your Island Keepers.

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